Le Sondage des livres
1.One book that changed your life:
"L'attrape Coeur"(Catcher on the rye) J.D. Salinger
2.One book you've read more than once:
"Ocean Mer" Alessandro Baricco
3.One book you'd want on a desert island:
Le livre de 100 000 puzzles Sudoku
4.One book that made you giddy:
"Comment voyager avec un saumon" Umberto Eco
5.One book that wracked you with sobs:
"The Bible"
6.One book that you wish had been written:
"L'homme qui a vu la terre, la mer et le vent"
7.One book you wish had never been written:
Le guide gramatical
8.One book you're currently reading:
"Phèdre" de Racine
9.One book you've been meaning to read:
"This story" Alessandro Baricco
10.Tag 4 bloggers: Elizabeth, la Katrin, Darrel (you can post it as a comment), the Pope